Lessons Learned: 2021
Margaret Schaffer, CEO + Creative Director
In 2021, we navigated grief, heartbreak and figured out how to rebuild our family and our lives from the ground up.
We welcomed our fourth child, our daughter Sloane, only to return her to God’s keeping one month later.
Frankly, I preferred 2020.
But through all of that, we came out stronger. Scarred, yes, bruised and stretched emotionally beyond what I thought was possible to survive.
But we’re still here.
I’m deeply grateful for the bonds formed this year. For my team, who remained faithful, diligent and supported me as my world crumbled. For our clients, who are unbelievable human beings. Showing up to help however and wherever they could, I’m humbled by your generosity and grace.
For our friends, family, nurses, doctors, neighbors and church family who kept us fed, supported, loved and were always present for whatever we needed. I truly cannot say with certainty what kind of place I would be in now were it not for your care.
I deeply love you all.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn how to love and live from a deeper place. For the true knowledge that what we see is temporary and that life is short. I’m grateful to know that I can look the deepest, darkest, scariest feelings square in the eye, and choose light instead of darkness.
I’m grateful that I’m a more compassionate mom and a more attentive wife, and I’m most grateful that I have the opportunity to keep pushing, keep creating beauty and keep enjoying the journey one day at a time.
All I can say, 2022, is: bring it on.
Wishing you and yours literally the best year ever.